MARUYO DESIGNTEC CO., INC.LTD., (Herein referred to as "Company") is deeply aware of the importance of protection and handling of personal information obtained from customers. We will strive to protect your personal information responsibly.
- Strict Observance of Laws and Regulations
Company will comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, and all relevant provisions and guidelines regarding acquisition and use of personal information.
- Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
With your permission we may request that you provide personal information that is in accordance with the obligations regarding the gathering and usage of personal information. Any personal information gathered will be used only to the extent necessary and not used beyond that purpose.
- Provision and Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal information obtained from the customer will not be disclosed to a third party without the consent of the customer. In the event that the customer's personal information is provided to third parties with the customers consent it will be conducted under strict management so that your personal information is not leaked.
- Management and Deletion of Personal Information
Company will strictly manage your personal information, we will provide safety measures for the prevention of unauthorized access, destruction, tampering, and leakage. In the event of a request from the customer to delete such information, we will comply to this within a reasonable
period of time.
- For inquiries about personal information, please contact:
Phone 03 -5457 -3038 (Main (Japanese Only))